GRS - A Trusted Partner with SRI Executive

Client List


ActionAid International, USA, Washington, DC
The Acquire Project, New York, NY

Africare, Washington, DC
African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnership (ACHAP), Gaborone, Botswana
African Wildlife Foundation, Washington, DC
Amazon Watch, San Francisco, CA
American Bar Association, Washington, DC
American Near East Refugee Aid, Washington, DC
American Red Cross, Washington, DC
American Refugee Committee, Minneapolis, MN
American Soybean Association, St Louis, MO
American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC
Ashoka, Arlington, VA
The Association for Women In Development, Washington DC, New York, NY
Axios Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Bioneers, Lamy, New Mexico
The Brainerd Foundation, Seattle, WA

CARE - Canada, Ottawa, Canada
CARE International, Atlanta, GACAMRIS, Washington, DC
The Carter Center, Atlanta Georgia

Casita Maria, Inc., Bronx, NY
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR/CGIAR), Bogor, Indonesia
Center for Sustainable Development In The Americas - FOCADES, DC, USA
Certified Forest Products Council, Beaverton, Oregon
Chembio Diagnostics, Inc., Medford, NY

Congressional Hunger Center, Washington DC  
Conservation International, Arlington, VA
The Consultative Group on Bio-Diversity, San Francisco, CA
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Washington, DC
The Coral Reef Alliance, San Francisco, CA

DKT International, Washington DC

EcoLogic Development Fund, Cambridge, MA
The Elders, London, England
Engender Health (formerly AVSC, International), New York, NY
Environmental Advantage, New York, NY
The Eurasia Foundation, Washington, DC

Family Health International, Durham, NC, USA
FINCA International, Inc., Washington, DC
Ford Foundation, New York, NY
Foundation for the Future, Beirut, Lebanon
Forest Stewardship Council Secretariat, Oaxaca, Mexico
Forest Stewardship Council United States, Washington DC
Freedom From Hunger, Davis, CA
Friends of the Earth, San Francisco, CA

GAIA - Global AIDs Interfaith Alliance, San Francisco, CA
Global Greengrants Fund, Boulder, Goldman Environmental Foundation, San Francisco, CA
Greenpeace International, Amsterdam Green Peace USA

Helen Keller International, New York, NY
Hope for African Children Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya
Human Rights Watch, New York, NY
Hunger Project, The - New York, NY


International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Cape Cod, MA
Independent Press Association, San Francisco, CA
Integra LLC, Washington, DC

International AIDS Vaccine Alliance (IAVI), New York, NY
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT/CGIAR), Cali, Colombia
International Centre for Research in Agroforesty (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC

International Cryosphere Climate Initiative, Pawlet, Vermont  
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya
International Medical Corps (IMC), Santa Monica, CA
The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (IMWI), Nairobi, Kenya
International Rescue Committee (IRC), New York, NY
International Water Management Institute (IWMI/CGIAR),
InterGen Energy, Boston, MA
Internews Network, Washington, DC
IntraHealth, Chapel Hill, NCIpas, Chapel Hill, NC

JHPIEGO, An Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

JRS Biodiversity Foundation, Philadelphia, PA

Landmine Survivors Network, Washington, DC (now Survivor Corps)

MAP International, Atlanta, GA
Medical Care Development International, Silver Spring, MD Medical Teams International, Portland, OR 
Management Sciences for Health, Cambridge, MA
Mercy Corps, Portland, OR

Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Springfield, VA
Moore Foundation, The Gordon and Betty, Palo Alto, CA

Mother Jones Magazine, San Francisco, CA

Mustard Seed Communities, Medfield, MAMUSO, Bamako, Mali

MyAgro, Bamako, Mali

National Cooperative Business Association, Washington, DC
National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, DC
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Washington, DC
The Nature Conservancy, Washington, DC

Nutrition International, Ottawa, Canada

OIC International, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Operation Smile International, Norfolk, VA
ORBIS International, New York, NY

Pan American Development Foundation (PADF), Washington, DC

PathFinder International, Watertown, MA
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA), San Francisco, CAPlan International USA, Washington, DC
Project Concern International, San Diego, CA
Project Hope, Millwood, VAPSI, Washington, DC
PVO/NGO Networks for Health, Washington, DC

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Washington, DC
Rainforest Alliance, New York, NY
RARE, Center for Sustainable Tropical Conservation, Philadelphia, PA

Rights and Resources Group, Washington, DC

Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO),  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  
Rugmark Foundation USA, Washington, DC

Save the Children, Westport, CT
The Small Enterprise Education and Promotion (SEEP) Network, Washington, DC
SNV, Netherlands

Solidarity Center, Washington, DC
Soros Foundation, New York, NY
Survivor Corps (formerly Landmine Survivors Network), Washington, DC


Taskforce for Global Health (TFGH), Decatur, Georgia

TechnoServe, Norwalk, CT
Trace Foundation, New York, NY

U.N. Protection Force in the Former Yugoslavia
U.N. Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict, NYC, NY
United Services Organization (USO), Washington, DC
Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights, Boulder, CO
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation, Arlington, VA

The Wild Salmon Center, Portland, OR
Winrock International
Women's World Banking, New York, NY
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya

World Animal Protection, New York, NY
WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia
World Vision, Inc., Seattle, WA
World Wildlife Fund-Mexico, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
World Wildlife Fund-Peru, Lima, Peru
World Wildlife Fund, Washington, DC